Adult & Teen Challenge

The ambition of two former addicts and the kindness of Jaspan’s Hardware Store meant residents and visitors to Atlantic Highlands could learn more about Adult & Teen Challenge Saturday as well as purchase handmade cutting boards designed in a variety of hard woods from oak to maple.

The two young men, one in the program to combat  addiction for eight months, the other new to the program one month ago, set up a display table in front of Jaspan’s Hardware Store on First Avenue Saturday, courteously greeting passersby and inviting them to stop and look at the hand-crafted woodwork.

Each was there as a participant in the Adult & Teen challenge open to drug or alcohol addicts 18 years of age and older.

The program has facilities in five of the New England states as well as New Jersey and offers a 10-to-12-month Christian residential recovery program for both men and women. There are ten centers across the states for the program, which offer spiritual, academic and vocational training to assist individuals in returning to society as responsible citizens.

The program members at Jaspan’s Saturday were eager to talk about the success of others who have already passed through the program and have learned that the key to their success was developing a relationship with God and putting into practice what they learned through the program.

Both were inspired by others with whom they have spoken and feel confident they also will be able to achieve success in overcoming addictions.

Both made the decision on their own to enter the Challenge, realizing at some point they were otherwise heading to prison and facing lives without futures.

The program is called a challenge since it takes strength, perseverance and desire to complete it, the men said, but some of its benefits are restoration of family relationships, learning structured programs and receiving clinical counseling in a caring environment.

The residential component of the Challenge is divided into four phases, each with a specific goal and customized curriculum, and students must pass each one in order to continue into the next phase. During the final phase, transition residents learn how to implement their new skills in an Aftercare Plan.

It is one of the goals of the program directors that every graduate leaves with a GED or Hiset diploma and further assistance upon graduation with college, trade schools, employments, careers, ministry or the ACTNENJ apprenticeship program.

For more information on the program, visit or visit their website at The main office is at 1311 Main St., B Rockton, MA 02301.

Adult & Teen Challenge Adult & Teen Challenge Adult & Teen Challenge Adult & Teen Challenge Adult & Teen Challenge Adult & Teen Challenge