3 Eagles Honored

3 Eagles 1 Troop

Three Boy scouts from Troop 22 were honored at their Court of Honor Saturday, January 6 and congratulated by approximately 100 guests on the occasion of their reception of the Eagle Scout Award, the highest award in Boy Scouting.

The three, Michael Marchetti, Kevin Connelly, Jr. and Anthony Martignetti are all graduates of Henry Hudson Regional School and had earned their Eagle awards during the Covid crisis but were unable to be honored because of Covid restrictions.

Two other Troop 22 scouts, Jack Foy and Kyle Otterbine, both of Middletown, also earned their Eagle awards several years ago. Neither was able to be honored at this week’s ceremony. Foy is employed by the Middletown Township Police Department and Otterbine is in the United States Marine Corps currently serving in California.

Kevin Connelly, Sr., the father one the Eagle receiving his award, gave the opening prayer at the Court of Honor held in Our Lady of Perpetual Help School auditorium, after the Senior Patrol leader Sean Weinperl and Color Corp presented the colors and formed an honor guard.

Dr. Michael Marchetti is troop master for Troop 22, and presented the award to his son, Michael. Assistant Troop Leader Thomas Welch, who is also Eagle Advisor and Order of the Arrow Troop advisor, presented the award to Connelly, and Alan Resch presented the award to his nephew, Anthony.

Each of the three Eagles gave presentations on their projects which had to be completed in order to achieve the Eagle honor. Assistant Scoutmaster Gerald Thompson outlined for the crowd gathered for the ceremony each level of scouting honor had to be achieved and held for a specific length of time before a scout could even attempt to achieve the highest honor.

In addition to letters of commendation from Highlands Mayor Carolyn Broullon, who was present for the ceremony along with Council President Joann Olszewski, the three Eagles at the ceremony also received presentations for the American Legion, the Third Degree Knights of Columbus of the Rev. Joseph Donnelly Council and the Knights’ 4th Degree Bishop McFaul Assembly 646.

Those awards were presented by Sir Knight Michael Napolitan and Sire Knight John Flynn, with Heath Bertini, vice commander of the American Legion Post 346 of Neptune presenting the Legion award. James DeRugeriis, R., Deputy Grand Knight of the Vincent T. Lombardi Council 6552 of the Knights of Columbus, New Monmouth also made a presentation to the honorees, along with Louise E. Welch, president of the Vincent T. Lombardi Columbiettes 6552. Mrs. Welch is also the mother of an Eagle Scout, the assistant scoutmaster.

The troop meets regularly at OLPH and at the Robert Wilson Community Center in Highlands and is sponsored by the Navesink Fire Hook and Ladder Company. The volunteer fire company also presented certificates of achievement to each of the Eagle Scouts with the presentation made by Scott Sieh

The troop consists of approximately 20 young men between the ages of 13 and 17 and is open for membership to local youths.

The Eagle Scout Committee for the event included Assistant Scoutmaster Welch, Mrs. Welch, Dr. Marchetti, Susan Marchetti and Tara Schneider.

Refreshments were served following the ceremony and retirement of colors.


Editor’s Note: Because each of the honorees has a fascinating history of his own, it was not possible to include each of their achievements in the Eagle Court of Honor story. Look for future articles on Marchetti, Connelly and Martignetti soon.)